
Christmas 2019

Charlie harrison

Finally we can talk about christmas! I love halloween and really do like to get it out of the way before I can even start thinking about the C word!


I always like to see what Erstwilder are going to do each Christmas and they have given us another great collection.


This was a huge collection this year too with two necklaces, two earrings and seventeen brooches.


I must admit my favourites from this collection are all the animals! I think they really hit the nail on the head with those ones.


The penguin, cat and dachshund were just brilliant and I really loved the silver stars. Having said that I do wish they had done a necklace of that too as both necklaces were really not for me on this occasion. 


Personally I also loved the fact that there was alot of new designs this year with only one a few being recolours.



As seems to be the norm we are also treated to a free gift with three or more purchases. This time is it the little present brooch which is very adorable and good for anyone who likes to double brooch.


So what do you think of the collection? I always like finding out what you love and what you would pass on.
















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