
Erstwilder - South Ameican Socialites

Katt Dandy

Welcome to our latest Erstwilder blog. It only seems like yesterday we were talking about the last Erstwilder launch. In fact it really wasn't that long ago at all that we were treated to the Australiana collection.

For me this one came as a little bit of a surprise as I assumed we were getting a break for the rest of May, little did I know that we were having these cuties on the way. The last collection almost seemed like a mini collection, while we all waited for this one to arrive.

I'm so pleased they decided to launch this collection, while the last few have been nice they have not quite been for 'me' but that is not the case with this collection. I think it my favourite collection that we have seen from Erstwilder this year.

When you say the term 'South American Socialites' I really didn't quite know what to fully expect, and it was only when we really started to see more and more of the sneak peaks it became apparent that we were in for a treat.

Animals tend to be my favourite collections, I'm not too sure why I think its the cutesy nature that attracts me to them, so I was in luck with a whole animal collection this time. No earrings again in this collection but we did have one necklace and eleven different brooches.

My favourite thing about this collection is the diversity and the amount of bright colours used. The resins on this are some of my favourites. Recently we have seen quit of of busy patterns and sometimes I feel that takes a little bit away from the brooch but with these, they are detailed but more subtle.

I have even done my first ever video review which you can see in better detail each piece. If you are interested you can watch that: HERE

Now onto the collection itself. I'll start with the necklace. Necklaces are always my thing, I find them easier to wear everyday rather than brooches, so in any collection this is the item I gravitate to first. This one is a super cute little sloth hanging from a tree. It's been so long since Erstwilder have us a sloth and this one looks nothing like previous designs so its a great additions.

White we are talking about sloths they also feature in the brooch pile this time. Opening the box I assumed they were a set of cardigan clips, but after looking a bit more closely they are just two smaller brooches sold together as a set. I love that idea. Cardigan clips are great but I always struggle to wear them properly and end up just being left out. That is why this is great, you have so many options to wear both in different places, or even if you just wanted to wear one smaller brooch for the day then one of these is perfect.

It was a really hard decision for me to pick my three favourite brooches this time around and I kept swaying between designs. Finally I have settled on my top three, in no particular order. Alan the Alpaca. He is larger than the rest of the collection and for this he comes in a slightly larger box, which for some reason always makes me happy. The resin on him is beautiful in the light and I really like his little specs and tie.

Second would be Pedro the Piranha. The resin on him is completely plain but with the cute little addition of the patterned hat, the thing that does it for me is the little gem in his tooth, I think that is a really cute addition and I jut really like him.

Last but not least we have my favourite piece this time (I think), Francie the Flamingo. Now I said that in my video that she feels so Alice in Wonderland to me its great. When I first took her out the box I wasn't too keen but as the days have gone on and after my photographs she has completely won me over. She is also made from one of the most beautiful resins I have seen in this collection.

So have any of the pieces won you over? You can find the whole collection right HERE and don't forget to leave me a comment with what you decided to go for!

So what do you think? Did you enjoy this collection? Do you have a top three? Please get in touch and let me know.

Thank you again for reading. 

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